Monday 16 November 2015

Task 5 Montage


In this  post I will I will go through the different meanings of the term "Montage".

The term Montage has a slightly different meaning when referring to the following contexts: French film, hollywood cinema and early Soviet film making.

The French Montage

In French film practice, montage simply has its literal french meaning- Assembly. Therefore, in French film the term simply identifies the process of editing.

Hollywood Style Montage

An example of Rocky:

Hollywood style montage is used  to condense a long sequence into a shorter one. In this case an example is Rocky.

Soviet Montage

This is used to show a different meaning. Film makers used juxtaposing to make a whole new meaning towards the viewer. An example is show below.  

Lev's experiment 

Another example is Eisensteins Strike.

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